Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Life Created Or Life Evolved?

Since when I was 12 years old, I started thinking about life and its origin. Over and over again I would constantly ask myself where I came from and how I was made. Many would say I originated from my mother’s womb and I was created by my parents during one romantic night. However, I could not accept that because those answers did not shed light on where my parents, grandparents and great grandparents came from. I knew that there must be the first man and woman.

Some scientists boldly proclaim that we originated from monkeys and these monkeys originated from some bacteria. If we are really a product of an animal, why are we not evolving anymore? Even if we came from some bacteria, where did these bacteria came from? I knew it for sure that there must be a beginning; someone must have switched on the lights.

Have you ever looked into the sky and wonder what is beyond the clouds? What is beyond our planet? What is beyond our galaxy and what is beyond our universe? Is it really empty out there or could there be a chance that someone is overseeing our lives? Where will we go when we die? There are rumors about heaven and hell, are they true? Why are there sightings of the paranormal? Is that an indication of another world existing and we chose to leave it alone? If there is another world out there, who is the king of that world? Can we know that king?

Generally, people would not bother to find out about their life’s origin because it was perceived as unnecessary. Here are some reasons on why it is absolutely important to know where we come from.

a) Knowing our origin could show us our destination on life after death.

b) Knowing that we do not come from animals determine that we have a purpose and destiny
to fulfill. We are not just an accidental product of nature trying to kill time on Earth.

c) Knowing our origin could mean that we have an intelligent being to learn from and further solving problematic issues that are currently causing the world’s destruction.

d) By knowing your origin you will know what kind of DNA you are carrying, there might be some undiscovered skills and talents you have yet to use.

e) By knowing your origin, you are then able to enlighten your love ones who are still being kept in the dark.

Embark on your first journey to find out more about life. Start thinking deep on where it all started. Trust me, you will be flabbergasted. Who knows, you might find out something really valuable.


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