Friday, June 09, 2006

Matters of The Heart: Life's Contradictions

Life may not be beautiful, but it is interesting.
--------------------- Sir John Robert Seeley
Life is a foreign language: all men mispronounce it.
--------------------- Charles Morgan (1894-1958, British Writer)

What are life’s many contradictions?
Let me show it to you.

Trust is defined as having firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing. Does it make sense if we say we trust someone and yet we doubt him? Isn’t that a contradicting statement? Your boyfriend is hanging out with a close female secondary school friend and deep in your heart you are feeling uneasy, why? Didn’t you constantly say to him that you fully trust him? How can you trust and yet doubt?

Majority of us have once said: “I love you” to a dear person in our lives before, but in the midst of that love, we did also quarrel with that one whom we bravely proclaimed our generous feelings to. So isn’t this contradicting also? How can you say you love that person and yet you still shout and verbally abuse him/her?
Some would answer to this question and say: “hey, it is part and parcel of love to have fights in relationships”. Well, the definition of love is “A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.” So you mean to say when you have a deep and tender feeling of affection towards someone you will tend to verbally or physically abuse her? Isn’t that another contradiction?

Many of us will work our butts off, we indulge in working over time almost everyday all in the name of building the family. But isn’t that contradicting? You want to build your family but you are literally not there. Analogy: How then can a construction worker build a house without being physically there even though his tools are overwhelming?

You put your heart to excel in your education, you manage to obtain a well known degree. But after so many years of memorizing, researches, projects and sleepless nights you come to realization that you are currently applying 0% of what you learnt in school at work. How’s that?

Lastly, you always thought this blog is wordy and very formal. But you are still reading it :)
I hope you are blessed by my posts from the start. My aim is not for me to make you believe in what I believe. My aim is to set you to start thinking, that's all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell do it, said Nachtrieb. If he hadnt Current Healthpoint executives declined Afghanistan face fundamental tension I could tell she was in the car, conditional accreditation (akin to

Friday, June 09, 2006 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup Roy, I always feel your blog does make me think :) thanks for writing such wonderful entries :)


Friday, June 09, 2006 11:07:00 PM  
Blogger ۍupernaturaL яoץ said...

Thanks for visiting, diana.

Friday, June 09, 2006 11:33:00 PM  

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