Saturday, March 25, 2006

Matters of The Heart: The Past

Sitting on my comfy leather chair, thoughts of my life began to flash in my mind's eye. When you accidently mess something up and start to blame yourself for the spilled milk, encouragers would often tell you to forget about the past and move on. After 21 years of being a human, I figure that it is impossible to forget about our past. The only way to forget the past is to bang your head against the wall repeatedly till you become unconscious or you can pray hard that God would miraculously delete certain days of your life that you wish for it to be vanished.

Handling the past would be a lot easier than forgetting the past. I once made countless wrong decisions and it messed me upside down. I cannot heal my previous mistakes now, all I can do is to accept that I have done something wrong and try my very best not to commit the same thing again.

Many people would fall into depression due to a heavy dosage of guilt in their soul. Guilt kills slowly, eating your heart bit by bit till it becomes numb, clouding your mind with darkness till everyday becomes a rainy day and guilt destroys the human spirit, converting it into a spirit of shame and death.

The cure for the "guilt monster of the past" is not to have brain washing sessions for you to forget your dark days because the common human brain cannot forget whenever we want. The only cure would be forgivessness towards yourself, having dreams and visions and being able to look forward to the next day knowing that life has more than it seems.

Easy to say but hard to do. This is life, nothing is easy. It can happen only if you're willing to step out and make a difference. Here's a piece of reality - Stand up and start walking, if not, sit down and wait for death.

The Past Constantly Makes An Unplesant Noise In Our Heads,
It Is Only A Self Made Visionized Future That Could Shut It Up.

- Roy

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Unknown Singapore: High Street Shopping Centre

Always thought Singapore is a shopping land with nice exclusive shopping centres? Think again. I was looking for a supplier one day and I happen to accidently walk into the wrong building and it seem like as if I entered another realm. Have fun viewing...

Spooky Lifts



Run Down Lift Fan

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Unknown Singapore: Kranji Abandoned HDB Estate

Before I entered the National Service, I love exploring the unknown parts of Singapore and take nice pictures of them. That day I wanted to visit the goat farm but something else poped up in the middle of nowhere, the Kranji Abandoned HDB Estate. Why was it left there? Why was it not demolished? You decide.

There used to be fun & laughter here

The stillness of the air

The coffee shop is history

There was once life

I took many of such strange photos from different places of Singapore. I will share with you guys if I have the chance to do so again. Cool huh?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Welcome New Car!

Ladies & Gentlemen, presenting...
My new black...
Mazda 3!