Monday, February 20, 2006

Matters of The Heart: Terrorism

Terrorism - The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Never thought that the game "counter-strike" would become a real life issue? Welcome to the real world where terrorism would never fail to hit headlines of newspapers internationally. The authorities of every nation on planet Earth upgraded their countries' security in terms of equipment and fighting force and citizens are educated in various ways to prevent an explosion of chaotic terrorism.

The question here is :"is terrorism preventable or inevitable?" Isn't it strange to hear news of unending bombings and kidnappings no matter how much is done? Singapore was almost a victim to terrorism a few years back and that shows us that no matter how safe Singapore is, we are not spared. It is a matter of when, where and how.

Some people have a liking to plant Tomatoes and they take superb joy in seeing it grow. Some people like to knit sweaters and they enjoy so much during that slow process of seeing how threads bind together and eventually evolving into a sweater. Nonetheless, there are those who find perverted excitement through violence, bombings and kidnappings.

Bombing of the Bologna Train Station

As good citizens of Singapore, there is only a small part we can play but, let us not despise the little things we can do because many strings combined into one becomes a rope. Always report suspicious characters immediately especially in the Changi Airport area. Strange items such as a beautifully abandoned businessman briefcase, luggage etc... lying around crowded places should be reported to the authorities at once. Together, we can make a difference!

Paris Memorial After Terrorist Attacks


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